Sunday, March 11, 2007

Steve says I should blog about my training, but unfortunately I'm kinda sick right now. I tried to exercise a bit yesterday, but I felt like crap. I managed to get in 50 push-ups and a bunch of sit-ups, only because I felt like I had to do something. I tried to hike with the kids, but we turned around after less than a mile out. Calvin is sick, too and was feeling weird and dizzy like me.

It's always a little difficult for me to train when I have the kids, so I have to think of things we can do together and still feel like I have gotten a good workout. One way I accomplish this is to hike and play with the kids, then come home and get on the treadmill or dreaded trainer. I wanted to take the kids to Lizard's mouth yesterday and try some bouldering that Steve showed me when he was here.

I'm feeling the pressure of my birthday arriving and not being ready. I'm certainly not ready for the biking or the bouldering and am tempted to amend the challenge so it seems, well, less challenging. It's probably just because I'm sick, because normally more challenging is appealing to me.

For now, the plan is to feel better by late afternoon then get on the trainer.

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